Thursday, May 8, 2008

Copy Cat

Your modern teenager is not about to listen to advice from an old person, defined as a person who remembers when there was no Velcro.” ~Dave Barry

“I don't give advice. I can't tell anybody what to do. Instead I say this is what we know about this problem at this time. And here are the consequences of these actions.” ~Joyce Brothers

“Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you.” ~Philippians 3:17

Apparently I am the expert. On everything.

Used to be, when my daughter had a choice to make, she would have preferred that I stay out of it. While I am sure that day will come again (if it didn’t, that would be a miracle!), right now it seems my opinion is, in fact … get this … valuable.


I know, I know. I’m gonna try not to get the big head. But, understand, I am not always flattered. In fact, when this pattern first started, I would get really irritated at the question and its inherent delay. It elicited much the same response as erupts in a child who cries out, “Mom!! He’s copying me!!!”

What do you guys want for dinner? Pork chops or chicken?

What would you do?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Do you want to use lined paper or graph paper for your math homework?

What would you do?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Sweetheart, do you want to wear the skirt or the pants to church?

What would you do?

Oh good grief … it’s just clothes! Make a decision!

Now, I have come to realize that I really should take advantage of this period where my input is desired. I also realize that, contrary to how it may feel at the time, she’s not just trying to bug me, or to be my little clone. Instead, my daughter is providing me an excellent opportunity to teach her about decision making and consequences – whether it is something seemingly unimportant such as which flavor of ice cream to choose, or something monumental like choosing good friends.

It boils down to the difference between:

Dear, do you want rainbow sherbet or the cappuccino-chunky-chocolate ice cream?

Um …what would you do?

Duh …I’d take the ice cream.


Dear, do you want rainbow sherbet or the cappuccino-chunky-chocolate ice cream?

Um …what would you do?

Well, let’s think about it. I know the cappuccino ice cream is your favorite, but you also like sherbet. There is only a little bit of the sherbet left, but there is a lot of the ice cream. I think I might choose the sherbet because there will definitely be enough ice cream for you to have some tomorrow, but there may not be any sherbet left. Does that make sense? But you can choose either one; it’s completely up to you.

(And actually, put it like that and I might consider choosing the sherbet, too.)

Remember those woven nylon W.W.J.D. bracelets? I never was much a fan of the bracelets themselves, for they were more of a fad than anything, but the message they carried, even if few bothered to apply it in their lives, is worth recalling.

What Would Jesus Do?

What if, every time I was faced with a decision, large or small, I asked that question? What if, standing on a precipice, I asked the Almighty God who sees beyond the veil of time and circumstance, the Christ who walked in my shoes and experienced humanity first hand, “What would you do?”

I wouldn’t expect an auditory answer, though he would certainly be able to make his will clear in that and other ways. But, shouldn’t we make it a habit to pause in the moment of decision and consider what God might do, if He were living the same set of circumstances, the same decision opportunity?

Should I eat that second piece of cake or drink a glass of water?

What would you do, Lord?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Should I drive a little faster since I am running late or just drive the speed limit and deal with the consequences that may come?

What would you do, Lord?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Should I keep reading my book or stop and speak to that woman who looks lonely?

What would you do, Lord?

* * * * * * * * * * *

Should I take the job that pays enough to make life comfortable or go on the mission field and trust you to provide for my needs?

What would you do, Lord?

What if asking the question led you, or me, to make a wise, even holy, choice? I can almost see Jesus grinning from ear to ear, and hear Him calling out to his Father …

“Dad! She’s copying me!!!” :-)

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(Updated 13 April 2013)