Sunday, March 29, 2009

All That Secretes Estrogen is not Dramatic

"Boys will be boys. And even that wouldn't matter if only we could prevent girls from being girls." ~Anne Frank

It was with a wee bit of trepidation that we entered into the world of ten-year-old girls sleeping over last evening. Anne Frank had a point - girls can be moody, girls can be dramatic, and girls can be just plain nasty. You know it's true. Admit it.

But, not these five.

The girls made personal pizzas that reflected their own personalities
... and taste buds

These five, though they are not daily buddies - some of them didn't even know each other until Friday afternoon - had a wonderful time celebrating our daughter's birthday and just enjoying one another's company for 18 hours. I heard nary a disparaging word. Not an ounce of drama. And I stayed up almost as late as they did. (*ahem*)

A rowdy game of "telephone" ...

and "The Adventures of Ociee Nash" before bed

Now, boys - no, they don't tend to be moody or dramatic - just gross. That, coupled with the fact that he would have been a splinter constantly festering under the skin of the girls' collective finger, is why we sent the boy to stay with one of his friends (whose sister was here for the party.) Though we had five and that unsuspecting couple only had two, they deserve a bigger trophy - in the shape of a can of Lysol ... or a gas mask. Enough said.

But, the girls? Laughter and just plain fun ...

Someone Let the Dogs Out :)

Stacked-Mattress Surfing? But where's that pea, Princess?

I was surprised, delighted, and grateful all at the same time. And now I am just tired. And thankful.

Thank you for letting us come to your party, honey. I never thought I'd say this, but we had a great time!

Don't tell their moms, but in addition to staying up after midnight,
they hung out on the hammock in 47 degree weather! BRRR!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

A Cactus Parable

"I have not lived a life that boasts of anything;
I don't take pride in what I bring,

But I'll build an altar with
The rubble that You've found me in,

And every stone will sing
Of what You can redeem.

Heal the wound but leave the scar -
A reminder of how merciful You are.

I am broken, torn apart;
Take the pieces of this heart

And heal the wound but leave the scar.

Don't let me forget
Everything You've done for me;

Don't let me forget
The beauty in the suffering ...

Heal the wound but leave the scar ...

~Point of Grace, "Heal the Wound"

Go West, Young Man

“Though we travel the world over to find the beautiful, we must carry it with us or we find it not.” ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

“The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” ~Saint Augustine

“In America there are two classes of travel - first class, and with children.” ~Robert Benchley

McKittrick Canyon, Guadalupe National Park

El Capitan, Guadalupe National Park

Sunset over Arizona

Chiricahua Mountains, southeastern Arizona

Petroglyphs, Saguaro National Park, Tucson, AZ

Saguaro National Park

Apparently hoping for a visit to the E.R. ...

Tucson Mountain District


Grand Canyon National Park

Taking it all in ...

"wil do triks for fud"

Grand indeed

Ruins, Wapatki National Monument

Overlooking Walnut Canyon

Cliff Dwelling Ruins, Walnut Canyon National Monument

Beauty in the desert

Western Diamondback crossing our path

Riding the dunes at Monahans State Park, TX

Yeeeeee Hawww!

Rolling down the dunes

Sunset in Sedona

We are missionaries serving God and the task of Bible translation by serving the missionary community in Papua New Guinea through Personnel Administration and MK Education. We thank you for your prayers!

For the Bibleless Peoples of the World ...

(Updated 13 April 2013)